Enum MachineStatus
Possible states of the firmware
Namespace: DuetAPI.ObjectModel
Assembly: DuetAPI.dll
public enum MachineStatus
Name | Description |
Busy | The machine is busy doing something (e.g. moving) |
Cancelling | Job file is being cancelled |
ChangingTool | The machine is changing the current tool |
Disconnected | Not connected to the Duet |
Halted | The machine has encountered an emergency stop and is ready to reset |
Idle | The machine is on but has nothing to do |
Off | The machine is turned off (i.e. the input voltage is too low for operation) |
Paused | The machine has paused a file job |
Pausing | The machine is about to pause a file job |
Processing | The machine is processing a file job |
Resuming | The machine is about to resume a paused file job |
Simulating | The machine is simulating a file job to determine its processing time |
Starting | Processing config.g |
Updating | The firmware is being updated |