Enum Request
Request indices for SPI transfers from the SBC to the RepRapFirmware controller
Namespace: DuetControlServer.SPI.Communication.SbcRequests
Assembly: DuetControlServer.dll
public enum Request : ushort
Name | Description |
AssignFilament_deprecated | Assign filament to a given extruder drive |
CheckFileExistsResult | Result of a request to check if a given file exists |
Code | Request the execution of a G/M/T-code |
DeleteLocalVariable | Delete an existing local variable at the end of a code block |
EmergencyStop | Perform an immediate emergency stop |
EvaluateExpression | Evaluate an arbitrary expression |
FileChunk | Response to a FileChunkHeader |
FileDeleteResult | Result of a file deletion request |
FileReadResult | Result of a file read request |
FileSeekResult | Result of a file seek request |
FileTruncateResult | Result of a file seek request |
FileWriteResult | Result of a file write request |
GetHeightMap_deprecated | Request the heightmap coordinates as generated by G29 S0 (no longer used) |
GetObjectModel | Request a part of the machine's object model |
InvalidateChannel | Invalidate all files and codes on a given channel |
LockAllMovementSystemsAndWaitForStandstill | Lock movement and wait for standstill |
MacroCompleted | Notify the firmware about the completion of a macro file |
MacroStarted | Notify the firmware that a macro file has been started |
Message | Send an arbitrary RepRapFirmware message |
OpenFileResult | Result of an attempt to open a file |
PrintStopped | Tell the firmware a print has been stopped and reset information about the file being processed |
Reset | Reset the controller |
SetHeightMap_deprecated | Set the heightmap coordinates via G29 S1 (no longer used) |
SetObjectModel_deprecated | Set a value in the machine's object model (never implemented) |
SetPrintFileInfo | Tell the firmware a print has started and set information about the file being processed |
SetVariable | Initialize or update a variable (global, var, or set) |
StartIap | Launch the IAP binary |
Unlock | Unlock everything again |
WriteIap | Write another chunk of the IAP binary to the designated Flash area |